Together, we can prevent grain bin accidents.

Grain Bin Safety Week: February 18-24, 2024

Nominate your fire department: Jan – April, each year

In conjunction with Grain Bin Safety Week (third full week of February), Nationwide partners with agricultural safety and training organizations to award emergency first responders with grain rescue tubes and hands-on rescue training to help save lives.

Learn about nominating

Discover how lives have been saved

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Learn how to help prevent grain bin accidents, maintain grain quality and prepare your operation for emergency rescue.


Lives saved

Learn how Nationwide Agribusiness’ Grain Bin Safety program, Annual Sponsors, and NECAS continue to help save lives

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Participate and partner with us

We welcome your participation in our GBSW activities and partnership to help make grain rescue tubes and grain rescue training available to emergency personnel.

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Tools and resources

Use these valuable videos and risk management tools to learn about the dangers of grain handling and storage and help promote safety for your farm or commercial operation.

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About GBSW

Initiated by Nationwide in 2014, Grain Bin Safety Week is an annual campaign recurring the third full week of February to promote grain bin safety on farms and commercial grain-handling facilities.